Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Halloween Havoc Tournament

What a weekend we had!  This was a great tournament allowing us some pkaying time against teams we have never played before and the girls did awesome.  The play was a lot more aggressive and tough on them than they're used to but they still made it to the championship game, although a little bruised and worn out!  They even got to play a game under the lights which was very cool.  Our final game was against a team we had played before from Sioux Falls with a mixture of u11 and u12 girls and we have won in the past but it just wasn't meant to be this time.  So excited for our girls to have placed second in the tourney - they played their hearts out!!  The fun thing about it though was that they get to dress up in costumes and they surprised their coach by being Coach Gru and his minions!!!  Super fun.  Now for a couple weeks off to rest up and then on to indoor soccer season!!  :)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

We are the Champions!!!

What an amazing group of girls that my daughters get to play soccer with.  At such a young age they have figured out so many things - friendship, teamwork, sportsmanship, and determination.  We had a great tournament weekend and won the championship game in the last minute of double overtime with a score of 1/0!!  I don't think I could have made it through a shoot out!!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

All grown up

Wow, where has the time gone??  Today is officially the last day of school for the kids and the last day of work for me!!  :)  I have enjoyed tremendously the ladies I work with and seeing the students every day.  I will admit that I am ready for summer break though!
Kale is now a grade schooler starting 1st grade next year and the girls will officially be middle schoolers (5th grade)!!  I am not sure how they've grown so quickly, but I am sure proud of the amazing people they have become!!  Love these little ones to the moon and back.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Another great tournament

This past weekend we got ro enjoy the first of many soccer tournaments this summer.  We started off with a bang - they were the tournament u10 champions!!!!!  They played awesome - in 5 games they scored 32 points and only allowed 1 point!!  Hopefully the winning streak continues as we get ready for our next tournament June 7-9.  This truly is a great bunch of girls and a coach that really cares for his team - we are blessed to be a part of it.

Our Anabelle played injured (very short amounts of time as could handle and only one half of each game if we thought she could - we see a apecialist tomorrow to find out if she has a fracture in her collarbone or if its the muscle).  Please pray that it's nothing serious as she will be devastated she can't play with the team.  Thank goodness she is a tough cookie - she handles all her obstacles with such strength and determination.  She is definitely special!!

Mothers Day

Ok, so I couldn't get this to send last time so we'll try again!!  Hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day.

Another Mother's Day is approaching and I am always reminded of those amazing Mother's around me.  I hope you all have a magnificent day on Sunday!!  I get to be soccer Mom that day and spend the day with my kiddos at a soccer field in Sioux Falls, but I honestly wouldn't have it any other way - the joy on their faces reminds me how truly blessed and lucky I am to share those moments with them.  Happy Mother's Day Moms!!!!  We love you all!!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Takin' it back Old School Style!!

Another winter of renovations is upon us and this is one I have dreamed of since we moved in - taking out the white carpet!!!  White is not recommended for those with children!  We have had one too many walk thru's with muddy boots.  When we pulled the carpet back this is what we found.  Pretty sure this is almost identical to what we had growing up in our house!!  The kids aren't thrilled they will have to stare at it for two weeks while I paint and we work on the kitchen but it will be so worth it in the end.  It's slowly becoming the house we envisioned when we bought it - check back with me in 10 yrs!!!!  Hahaha

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The new addition

We have said numerous times that we could not go through a puppy for a really long time after the last one, yet what are we doing now????  Yep, a new puppy!!  We are probably crazy, but his dad is the coolest dog ever and we would have been really sad if we wouldn't have done it.  He drives me crazy now and then and the kids have learned if they don't want it chewed on then it better be picked up but Oscar 'Ozzie' is a great addition to this family.  :)