Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The little things...

Every morning I sit and push the kids along to get ready for school - usually because they are running behind! This morning, as I was getting the kids' vitamins, Mia announced to me that she wanted the 'red' one. Right at that moment Kale took the only 'red' one out of my hand. I'm sure he did it just to make her mad (yep, Kale would do that!) so I told him he needed to give it back to her. I could have just as easily swapped one of the other ones for another red one but little things like this seem to be a constant battle for the two of them.

Amilia is a child of many hugs, kisses, and strong will - but she is also a child of many hits, pushes, and tattle-tailing on her brother. They truly fight as much as they love - maybe that's why they fight the way they do. They are both very passionate kids and very strong willed. I thank God every day that he gave us Anabelle to help even things out!!!

As most mornings would have played out, Mia would have scolded Kale long after I had already done so (and quiet enough that she would hope I wouldn't hear)...but to my surprise, she did the exact opposite! While Kale was pouting in his chair, Mia took her red vitamin and exchanged it with Kale's orange one - all while thinking I wasn't watching. It's those little things that I've come to find the most precious of moments - and for my strong-willed little girl that was a big deal!! Thank you, Lord, for the little things...

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