Tuesday, September 16, 2008

He just keeps getting bigger

Yes, the title says exactly what we found out at the doctor today!! I took Kale for his two year check up and he continues to stay in the 95th percentile for height and the 85th for weight. His weight has started to drop off a little so that's an obvious indicator that he's either wearing it all off with his CONSTANT activity or that he just keeps growing. When I looked back at the girls' book to see how big they were at this age, Kale is almost 2 inches taller than they were!! It's amazing to me the vocabulary that he has and how much more he has started talking in the past few weeks. Sometimes I laugh to myself because he comes by it very naturally as he has grandparents on both sides of the family that are major talkers as well! His sleeping habits have gotten better since my last post. Just a couple of days after I did the last post he began sleeping through the night again - but in the past few nights he has woken again a few times, but he has some congestion and a molar coming in so I'm blaming it on that. He has been much easier to get back to sleep though...and thank you to all of you who tried to give me some suggestions and support!

I have started a web page at http://fankfamilypage.shutterfly.com in hopes of posting more pictures when I have them than the few that I can put on this site. I will continue to use this blog as my primary way of keeping in touch, but will post a message with the pictures on the web page when I download those. You are all invited to take a peek!!

Please keep your thoughts and prayers with those in Texas who were affected by Ike. My step-sister Carrie and her family live near the area and were, luckily, just without power for 24 hours and received no real damage to their home. Others very near to them were less fortunate than they were.


Anonymous said...

cool new page on shutterfly. i am glad your step sister was okay, i've heard some horrible stories about ike on the news. kale is definately growing up so fast, i can't believe it. when's ana's appt, i was thinking end of next week. keep me posted. miss you! ~Barb~

Barb said...

hello! hope you are having a great weekend!!! we had two soccer games this morning and I tried to work at church a few hours, but still miserably sick!!! i am so in over my head;( excited to see you monday, bringing at least 1 new recruit, maybe 3. ;) i like 6:30 time, the earlier the better. any later, and i won't come. hope the group agrees with the accidental time:) anyway, i had a quick ?. how do you send out blog updates>? i updated mine but didn't know how to set that (or does it send it out automatically?)